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Guillaume Corneille

Bologna, Italy 1935

Guillaume Cornelis Beverloo, known to all as Corneille, is a painter, sculptor, engraver and ceramist. He was born in 1922 in Belgium, in the city of Liège and soon became one of the creators of Cobra. This expressionist movement includes artists from Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam such as Karel Appel, Constant Nieuwenhuis, Asger Jorn and Christian Dotremont and remained active from 1949 to 1952; it aims at overcoming art in its traditional understanding, seeking freedom of expression with a fantastic and creative character.

Known as the "painter of joy", Corneille creates works imbued with colour, an element on which all his art revolves. He is influenced by great masters such as Mirò, Picasso and Klee. The travels he makes to Africa, South America and Asia are a source of inspiration in the choice of themes used, which recur until the end of his career. They are: the stars, the clouds, the sun, the sea, the earth, the women, the palm trees and the birds. He also travels to Italy, Israel and San Francisco, places that will allow him to expand his art, making ceramics, engravings and prints.

Corneille's works are featured in numerous solo exhibitions and in the collections of the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in the Netherlands, the Fine Arts Museums in San Francisco, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Center Georges Pompidou in Paris and the Tate Modern in London.


Guillaume Corneille

Terriblement terrestre


oil on canvas

90 x 90 cm

Registered office: Via Caleselle di Oriago, 131/b | 30034 Oriago di Mira (VE) |

| Tel.+39 333 4744007

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